Finding the free time needed to be active members of our communities, for the past 100 years and the next.
Building Pathways
“Building Pathways is a workforce training program that prepares participants to apply for, enter and successfully complete a building trades apprenticeship program – the pathway into a career in the construction industry. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Building Pathways is sponsored by the Building & Construction Trades Council of the Metropolitan District in partnership with Action for Boston Community Development, the Boston Housing Authority, the Building Trades Training Directors Association, and The Construction institute. Building Pathways is funded through grants from the US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration; Commonwealth Corporation; the City of Boston Neighborhood Jobs Trust; the AFL-CIO Building America Community Development Entity, and BNY Mellon.”
Habitat for Humanity
“Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live…
We have more than 1,500 local affiliates in the United States and more than 70 national organizations around the world. Together, we have helped to build or repair more than 800,000 houses and serve more than 4 million people worldwide…”
Helmets to Hardhats
Helmets to Hardhats helps military service members successfully transition back into civilian life by offering them the means to secure a quality career in the construction industry.
There are many excellent reasons to pursue a career in the constructions trades.
Federal approved apprenticeship training programs come at no cost to the veteran.
No prior experience required. The three to five year apprenticeship programs teaches you everything you need to work in a specialized skilled craft.
Because these are federally approved programs, you can use your Montgomery G.I. Bill benefits to supplement your income. Better yet, apprenticeship programs offer the opportunity to earn while you learn.
Partners in Health (Haiti)
“Partners in Health’s mission is to provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. By establishing long-term relationships with sister organizations based in settings of poverty, Partners In Health strives to achieve two overarching goals: to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair.
We draw on the resources of the world’s leading medical and academic institutions and on the lived experience of the world’s poorest and sickest communities. At its root, our mission is both medical and moral. It is based on solidarity, rather than charity alone.
When our patients are ill and have no access to care, our team of health professionals, scholars, and activists will do whatever it takes to make them well—just as we would do if a member of our own families or we ourselves were ill.”
Project Stand Down
“Stand Downs are one part of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ efforts to provide services to homeless veterans. Stand Downs are typically one to three day events providing services to homeless Veterans such as food, shelter, clothing, health screenings, VA and Social Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a variety of other necessary services, such as housing, employment and substance abuse treatment. Stand Downs are collaborative events, coordinated between local VAs, other government agencies, and community agencies who serve the homeless.”